Albion Mill

Albion Mill provides exciting opportunities to implement a major functional shift for the Albion Train Station hub and the Albion Mill site and transform it into a highly desirable lifestyle destination precinct.
This precinct has the potential to become an exemplar Transit Oriented Development model by effectively maximising the development. It will help integrate the fragments of this fractured precinct by improving connections, extending open space opportunities and increasing density.
The design will improve the public realm amenity by providing pedestrian and cycle permeability and promoting a richer and more active engagement between the public and private realms. Comfortable streetscapes will be provided, improving pedestrian connectivity throughout and effectively linking to the surrounding commercial areas, parklands and public transport nodes to create a highly pedestrianised and inclusive neighbourhood.
- Retail and Commercial within podium = activated edges
- Residential Towers
- Central Meeting Place and Park
- Boutique Supermarket, Cinema and Brewery
- Improving pedestrian connections to support the retail
- Reduced retail parking required on site